A review by trapwomanistcyborgwitch
Bad Fat Black Girl: Notes from a Trap Feminist by Sesali Bowen



September 24 reread—-Ravenclaw Womanist Cyborg Trap Feminist! This is my tagline now lol. This is a wonderful, beautiful book that puts black women that are on the margins back in the center. The author talks about fatphobia,misogynoir in music and real life, homophobia and sexual issues that really makes you think about your privileges and priorities! I am glad that I read this book because it really breaks down black feminism in a way that is accessible and also more impactful for me and my peers. I will be applying a lot of what I read in my own life (which is the whole book lol). She also centers female hip-hop which I love!!!! Highly, Highly recommended. I would also pair this with Eloquent Rage by Dr. Brittney Cooper and Sensuous Knowledge: A Black Feminist Approach for Everyone by Minna Salami for a trifecta of great Black Feminist Books to read. All five stars and my favorite!!!!