A review by bfrearson
Senor Vivo and the Coca Lord by Louis de Bernières


Definitely didn’t get this one. I found the story to be rambling and oddly paced and it feels as if the author has overused his thesaurus in an attempt to show intellectual prowess. In fact the whole story reads like there is some intellectual joke. Maybe I’m not intelligent enough to read it on a deeper level, but even the premise didn’t sit right. The elements of magic don’t serve any purpose except perhaps as a deus ex machina, and the novel would have been the same without it.

Several characters have narratives that have no bearing on the main plot and appear and disappear at random. Act 2 drags and neither advances the plot nor explores the characters more than could be done in a couple of chapters. Act 3 has been hinted at for half of the book and yet amounts to just a handful of pages.

This story manages to ignore the exciting setting and interesting characters, resulting in simple list of events that happen. As I said at the start, maybe I just don’t get it, but overall a disappointing read.