A review by jwill0829
Castle of Lies by Kiersi Burkhart


**Received an eArc through Netgalley for an honest review**

I read the synopsis of the book and I thought it would be interesting and I was looking forward to reading a book that would demi-sexual, bisexual and non-binary characters representation. I went into the book hoping to read a really good story but came out being confused.

The best way for me to describe the Castle of Lies is Game of Thrones meets Mean Girl (not kidding). While I was reading the ARC which started out good but then it went downhill over the course of reading. I kept thinking that I need to stop reading it and DNF it but I didn’t because I was hoping that it would get better. It did not! Unfortunately, I felt like the author was trying to add more word count and the storyline suffered from it. The story gave me more questions than was answered in it and the ending of the book did not answered them. It left me with more questions than answers. The story follows four characters, Thelia, Parsifal, Bayled, and Sapphire, it is written in their POV.

There were areas where the author could have explain certain things better so you wouldn’t felt lost throughout the book. There were a lot of unanswered questions such as why was the magic bad that the elves were sent to take care of it? Who actually sent the elves and how did they know that the magic was getting bad in the Holy Kingdom? Why was some of the elves having reactions to the magic? Thelia, Parsifal and Corene were bratty, mean-spirited, and selfish but Bayled and Sapphire were not given the chance to really any kind of substance other than being fighters and protectors.

Overall, the author writing style was good but it seemed to me that she was rushing through the story and didn’t put enough effort on building the story. I am not sure if this book is a standalone or going to be series but if it does continue then I hope the author will take more time to develop the story and the characters.

My rating is 2 out 5 stars.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing the e-ARC and giving me the opportunity to give an honest review.