A review by knightreader1988
When No One Is Watching by Alyssa Cole


If the year wasn’t 2020 I’d probably giggle at some of the things described in this book, especially the ending BUT it’s 2020 and if I saw a pig flying outside the window I’d say it could happen.

With that being said, a lot of people mentioned that the book was slow in the beginning before it amped up and got really good and thriller-y. I completely agree but Cole did something in the first half of the book that I hope people recognize and ponder. She showed what it is to live as a Black/Minority individual in the USA today. There were no fandangles and far out ideas when these realities were described. It. Is. Scary.

Thriller or not Cole did a good job throwing a lot of subtle social commentary out there and I appreciated it. She laid it out blatantly in a one liner I had to highlight in my book, where the White folk said “And we do it because we can.” And that my friends, is the scariest part of this book, labs and experiments aside. So read this book and scare yourself into reality, because it’s 2020 and it’s happening somewhere in slightly varied iterations or not.