A review by bfdbookblog
Imperial Stout by Layla Reyne


3.5 Stars so rounding up to 4.

I was so excited to learn Cam and Nic would get their own story because they’re chemistry in the Irish and Whiskey series was off the charts and I really liked both characters.

Even though this is a spin-off and the start of a new series, I don’t think this can be read without having read the previous series. I read all the Irish and Whiskey books and I was confused at the beginning of this book. The opening scene is mid-op. The criminal informant in the case seems to be well known by Nic but if we’ve met her in a previous story, I don’t remember her. Cam and Nic clearly have pretty deep feelings for each other and if you haven’t read the previous series, you don’t have a full picture of their history.

I liked seeing the previous series’ characters and hope we continue to see them in this one. I wouldn’t mind Bowers going away and there is some foreshadowing about what may happen to him in this book.

The flow of this book is like the Irish and Whiskey series, especially when it comes to the relationship building between Cam and Nic. They have a few stolen moments but the relationship is going to build over the series. The case Nic and Cam, as well as the rest of their teams, are working takes up most of the story and is fast paced. There is a dangling story line with Nic’s father that I’m assuming we’ll get more of in the next book.

I will definitely stick with this as I loved the previous series and like both characters quite a bit in this one. I think if you’re expecting something as good as the Irish and Whiskey series, you’re going to be a bit disappointed.

I had one nitpicky complaint about the book…I wasn’t a fan of the girls coming on to (and other stuff with) Cam as much as they did.