A review by rhetoricandlogic
Theatre of the Gods by M. Suddain


I don't even know how to start writing about this book.

I'll have to steal Niall Alexander's words from his review on tor.com: "a mad bastard of a book". Well, no. That doesn't even begin to describe it. There are bits, where throwing this thing out of a window (preferably directly above a deep puddle) seems the only valid action you can take. Other bits though - and, to be fair - the greater part of the Other Bits is priceless genius in layering secondary perspectives to the effect of one glorious philosophical carpet.

And no. Can't describe it otherwise. This book is highly complicated. Not so much the main storyline: genius, if slightly mad scientist goes star-sailing (literally) on a quest which is -from the very first page on- doomed.

In terms of beauty and complexity this was the best of the 121 books I read this year.
