A review by thereadingchemist
Whispers in the Dark by Laurel Hightower


If you’re still looking for that chilling read this spooky season then stop right there and pick up Whispers in the Dark . This is definitely one of those books that will send chills up and down your spine and make you think twice before going into dark spaces alone.

The story follows the life of Rose McFarland, a sniper for Memphis’ S.W.A.T team. Rose is a badass female protagonist. She’s damn good at her job, and when she’s not using her expert marksman skills, she’s co-parenting her two kids with her ex-husband Sam. That being said, Rose comes with a lot of flaws. She has a haunting past filled with scars stemming from the physical and emotional abuse that she suffered at the hands of her father as well as a mother who despises her very existence. Ever since Rose was a child, she has had the ability to hear and see dark beings that are something only from nightmares. I’ll be honest, with everything that Rose has been subjected to, I am surprised she’s not a raging alcoholic or committed to a psych ward.

Rose was under the impression that those dark days were behind her….that is until she murdered Charlie Akers. Now the whispers and the things that lurk in the shadows are back. To make matters worse, Rose’s four year old son Tommy can hear and see them as well. Now Rose must solve the mystery surrounding Charlie Akers in order to protect her loved ones once for a all.

I definitely was blown away by Laurel Hightower’s debut novel. I loved that this book encompassed more than one genre; dipping into both thriller/mystery as well as horror. I loved how atmospheric this book was as well. There were definitely plenty of goosebump moments and peering over my shoulder just in case. Overall, Whispers in the Dark is a fantastic read, and I can’t wait to see what the author comes up with next.

Thank you to Shannon at R&R Book Tours for the tour invite as well as providing an ebook for review. This did not influence my review. All opinions are my own.