A review by emperor_e
Diana and the Island of No Return by Aisha Saeed


First I would like to say that if I was rating the cover art I would give it a 5/5. I love the colors, the art style, everything.

The characters are well done, with noticeable development. I especially enjoyed Sakina’s character. Plus bonus points for having a cat, although I definitely would not have complained if the cat was in it a bit more.

It had a pretty good plot, although I didn’t exactly think the plot twists were great, but then again I don’t often think plot twists are great. Not because I don’t like plot twists, I love plot twists, but because they are typically not a shock to me. This one had more minor plot twists, and then one bigger one, which I guessed early on.

This was a pretty quick read that was written well. I would recommend it for Wonder Woman fans, or just those who like a good fantasy adventure novel.