A review by rditchek
Welcoming the Unwelcome: Wholehearted Living in a Brokenhearted World by Pema Chödrön


Welcome to the mindfulness show! I listened to this novel on a audiobook and thought the narration was awesome. Some of the mindfulness stuff in this book over my head. But I was still able to distill a ton of great messages from “Welcoming the Unwelcome.” One of my favorite lessons was to treat wrong-doers not as ones enemy but as a teacher and spiritual ally because they force us to confront our own egos. Secondly, I appreciated that the author distinguished that there is a difference between the ideal behavior and mentality, which takes years to develop, and the “learning phase” in which you push yourself outside your comfort zone so that in times of struggle you pull upon the strength and resilience that you built up. Overall, a book that forces introspection and will teach you lots of new ways to think.