A review by hellphie
Like This, For Ever by Sharon Bolton


These books are creepy as crap.

Like This, For Ever is the third book in the Lacey Flint series by S. J. Bolton. I have no idea why I originally picked up this series. I think I was looking for another book, found Dead Scared, got it home and discovered it was the second in a series. This makes me cranky enough that I considered not finding the first book, but the second one sounded so interesting I decided it was worth it. If you’re looking for a new crime drama series, stop reading now, go get the first book, and save yourself from spoilers.

I’m glad I did. I now patiently wait for the next book in the series.

One of the reasons I like it so much – it’s dark. Like really, really dark. There’s a no-holds barred feel to these books. Lacey is not a very likable character. She’s closed off from everyone. She’s daring, young, and not stupid. In the first book, she’s a purveyor of casual sex and the solitary life. Then she meets DI Joesbury and things start to change. Oh goody, here we go – troubled girl meets handsome cop and suddenly her entire life is fixed. Except that’s not what happens. Yes, she and Mark build a connection in the first book. It goes awry but they’re trying to make it work in the second book – when Lacey goes undercover and things become 100% terrifying. I have to say, the second book gave me the serious heebies. Now, we’re in the third book and Lacey’s still messed up. So badly messed up that she’s not working and she’s definitely not dating. She’s essentially cut herself off from all human contact, except for a complicated carry forward from the first book. We’re only a few months out from the end of the second book, so her inability to function doesn’t feel drawn out. She was traumatized and would legitimately not be back to work yet.
Complete Review at https://hellphiesfiendishfiction.wordpress.com/2014/03/12/like-this-for-ever-by-s-j-bolton/