A review by micksland
The Masters by Ricardo Pinto


4 stars

This is a grimdark fantasy novel set in a world of harsh laws and social stratification. The worldbuilding is excellent. Despite a very basic plot, I can’t wait to see where the story goes next!

First, the political system of the novel is complex and intriguing. The ruling caste (the Chosen) have instituted a strict system of social rankings and voting laws based on perceived purity of blood. People who are closely related to the God Emperor are considered to have purer blood and thus get more votes than distant relations. Additionally, it is forbidden to see the face of anyone with a higher social ranking. If you accidentally see a superior without their ceremonial mask, they’ll cut out your eyes… or worse. It’s very bloody and perfect for anyone who likes horror novels.

The plot of the first book was basically a fetch quest; a Chosen family must return from exile and journey to the capital to elect a new God Emperor. The plot is therefore very simple and linear, and a lot of the set pieces are used for exposition. The writing is also Hemingway-esque, which works to move the plot quickly at the expense of detailed settings. I would have preferred more elaborate descriptions and slower-moving plot, but that is merely a personal preference. I already purchased the second book!