A review by captainjemima
Adventure Time Original Graphic Novel: Islands by Ashly Burch


'Islands' is a spin-off Adventure Time graphic novel, not based in Finn and Jake's storyline but one where something terrible has happened in Ooo. Jo, aka Bunny Girl, who was a friend of Marceline's finds herself with a group on board a ship fleeing a vampire infestation and hoping to find somewhere safer to settle. There are things to fear from the sea, but soon enough their ship sights land and when they disembark they find other survivors from Ooo. As the group decides to settle on this island, Jo accidentally gets lost and must face her fears on her own.

This story was quite short, and at first I wasn't sure I liked the art style as it is quite different from the normal style of the Adventure Time graphic novels. However, I soon came to appreciate it for the sweet, empowering tale it tells.