A review by kendranicole28
Beneath the Swirling Sky by Carolyn Leiloglou


Vincent wishes he was spending spring break hanging out with his friends or vacationing some place fun. Instead, he’s staying with his uncle in the Texas countryside. Vincent has a feeling he knows his mom’s reasoning for dropping him and his sister, Lili, off with their uncle for the week: Uncle Leo is an art restorer, and Vincent’s mom wants her son to reconnect with his earlier love of art. Spring break takes a shocking turn when Lilli falls into a famous painting. Vincent goes in after her and discovers that his family is part of a secret society with the power to travel through paintings. With this unique ability comes a high calling: to protect the art from evil forces. Enveloped within this new world, Vincent and his cousin Georgia go in search of Lili, learning about their family, their gifts, and all that is stake throughout their quest.

I read a lot of children’s lit with the kids, but I picked this one up just for me after hearing about it on the Currently Reading podcast. And now, having read it for myself, I can’t wait to pass it on to Charleston! (I read this on audio but purchased the book in print for him to read.) Though the book was faster paced than I would have liked (I would have preferred less action and more character development), I enjoyed this sweet story for its intriguing premise, excellent interdisciplinary teaching potential, and strong themes of loyalty, courage, identity, purpose, and a classic good vs evil storyline. The subject of art and its potential for both good and bad—and the ways it has been historically utilized to impart truth, preserve culture and story, or evoke sympathies—is seen throughout the book, but fits nicely within the story rather than overpowering it.

The book is from a Christian publisher and there are some subtle Christian references, but these too are not overpowering; this is simply a quality story with positive messaging that can be appreciated by readers of all faiths and backgrounds. This would make a great read-aloud or solo read for fans of the Magic Treehouse or Imagination Station books.

My Rating: 4 Stars // Book Format: Audiobook