A review by genetaylor06
Special Forces - Veterans by Aleksandr Voinov, Vashtan, Marquesate

Did not finish book.
Series overall 3 stars

Instead of writing reviews for all the books in the series I think I'll just lump them all over here together.

This series has a lot of sex. Which is fine by me, sex is one of the most important things in the series. The first years of Vadim and Dan's relationship consist of just sex, blowing of some steam, you know. But at times throughout the series the sex got out of hand. Am I the only one who just hoped they'd just stayed monogamous. A lot of the drama sure as hell wouldn't have been there, but is that a bad thing? I couldn't read the Jean and Dan's sex scenes. I wasn't really comfortable with Jean as whole for that matter, him being there hurt Vadim, even if he didn't say it did, it well and truly did. I've seen some people say that the series should have been one book, soldiers was all the series needed, and even if I didn't love everything about it was fine by it's own rights.

I think I'll talk about what I liked and didn't like about the series so far (as I'm not finished so far):

-Book one with all its chance encounters, LOVED THAT? I think this is the perfect book to span over nine years. At the beginning of the book I truly loathed Vadim, wished he'd just died, and hoped it wouldn't be a case of Stockholm syndrome, and it wasn't thank God. You got to read a bit to get into the good instead of the pain, rape, torture, bit when you get it, it's worth it.
-In book two when Dan's helicopter crashes and he uses his and Vadim encounters to tell the Yanks the injuries and how to get where they were, LOVED THAT. I wished though that more was built up on that, that the mission last longer, cause I wished the book had more stuff outside the camp in Kuwait, and less sex and complications, but this ain't a perfect world.
-I actually liked the drama with the kidnapping, Konstantinov, the KGB, and Katya, I know it fucked Vadim up, but it just gave me a better understanding of torture and what it can do to someone's mind, and I just made me love Vadim a whole lot more
-I like the mission with saving the Bosnians, and even the Dami situation, like I said I wished there was more actual missions, even if this wasn't a proper mission in of itself, but yeah. Also why did Dami just accept everything Dan told him to do, why was he just so chill in being kidnapped, I know we later find out his kidnapper was his former Officer, but still that kind of through me off.
-I know this is kind of contradictory but I actually really like Hooch and Vadim's scenes, in my opinion the hottest in the book, still wish there was more in the books and they met up more, cause even besides the sex them in Berlin and their shenanigans were one of the only times I well and truly grinned, and I kind of feel bad saying this but I wished that they ended up together. I know Dan and Vadim were the ones with the history, but I just like their dynamic a lot more, you know, and even if we just got more scenes I would have been one truly happy lad. I feel like Hooch is too good for Matt, if that's a bad thing to say idk, but Hooch may be my favourite, if not after Vadim, as throughout the books I started to dislike Dan more and more. I just read they they're gonna stop it and stay friends, which is bummer, one of the reason I read on on book three was because of Vadim going to America, even though we didn't really see much of then which was a SHAME
-I loved the scene with Vadim in Kashmir, I truly liked the emotional ones better than the sexual ones, including Dan's promiscuity in Kuwait, wasn't really a fan as I've said. Also lover the scene one the roof at camp when Vadim gives Dan the bullet, loved that.

I know it seems I have much faults with books, but I did really enjoy it and I'll definitely check out more of the authors books, Vadim I loved him so much, even though in the books I thought he deserved better, so much shit happened to him and Dan didn't really make things better. And even if I question how they fell in love in the first place, cause can you fall In love with someone you haven't really talked to, someone who doesn't even know your name?