A review by kime
The View on the Way Down by Rebecca Wait


Having just finished this one, the truth is that I just don’t feel like writing a long detailed review. So, let me just say that this is a decent, if somewhat slow, story that deals with topics such as depression, suicide, death and the impact of these things on not only the person suffering but also on the rest of the family.

My feelings about this book are complicated. I was fascinated by the subject matter and I could appreciate the story, but I found the writing to be a little bit pedestrian and lacking in pizzazz. I found Part 1 and Part 3 to be on the slow and boring side, but I absolutely loved Part 2. I feel that the story came alive in Part 2 when Jamie starts writing to his father about his brother’s illness, and the night that he died. It was in fact this part of the story that saved the whole novel for me.

Without the letter writing, I would have given this book 2 stars as I didn’t find it very engaging.
Overall, this one was okay for me. I could take it or leave it. I don’t regret reading it, but I’m also fairly happy to be finished it so that I can move onto something a tad more gripping.