A review by readgayly
Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown


I realized there were additional books in this series recently, so I decided to re-read 'Lies Beneath' prior to reading the rest of the series.
I know it's been several years since I first read it, but I remember really liking this book. This time around, oh boy. It was an experience.
I don't know if it's because I'm reading this book from an adult's perspective this time around, or if the audio book version had anything to do with it, but boy was this book much more dramatic then it needed to be.
It also probably didn't help that one of the blurbs on the third book basically compared this to Twilight but from a merman Edward and I was like, "Oh my god! What have I gotten myself into?!" So I had that on the brain while reading it.

I did love the setting (you give me a small town setting and/or a beach with a mermaid history and I'm golden), and the mythology of the mer-folk....but the main characters and relationships? Not so much this time around? But I'll read the rest of the series and see how those compare instead.