A review by scoutfinch75
A Pinch of Magic by Michelle Harrison


I am very excited to be involved in the blog tour for the glorious, A Pinch Of Magic by Michelle Harrison! Today is publication day, so if you haven't got a copy yet, you can grab one today!!

Where to begin? I adore Michelle Harrison and her books, The Other Alice blew me away, so when I was sent a proof copy I was delighted ( and did a happy dance around the kitchen! )

Fliss, Betty and Charlie Widdershins live with their grandmother on Crowstone island. Our story centres around the middle sister, Betty who is thirteen years old and all she dreams about it travelling and living a life of adventure. What she is about to find out is that her family is trapped by an ancient curse. Three magical objects hold the key to their future, can the sisters work together to free themselves from the curse, or will it prove itself unbreakable?

I loved every moment of this adventure. Michelle Harrison gives us intrigue and mystery, a terrifying ancient curse, determined and defiant sisters, sinister villains, three magical objects, an otherworldly setting, a young boy just wanting to survive, a strong-willed grandmother wanting nothing more than to protect her family and Sorsha Spellthorn, wronged and hellbent on revenge! All these elements combine to create an enchanting story that weaves it's magic and leaves you spellbound.

The love the sisters have for each other, despite their differences, is wonderful. Their determination to work together, to defeat the odds and save each other is the heart of the story and is in sharp contrast to the relationship between Sorsha and her sister Prue.

From the opening page, the fog and magic of Crowstone will draw you in. You will find yourself living each moment with Betty, Fliss and Charlie, trembling in fear when you hear the crows, sobbing with frustration when things go wrong, shouting out when you see the danger seconds before the sisters do, hands shaking when uncertainty overwhelms you. This is a journey you won't want to abandon, and will need to stay with the girls until the very last page. Happily, there are more adventures to come, so when you reach the end of the book, do not despair, we will get to visit the Widdershins again!

A Pinch of Magic is a story of sisterhood, sacrifice, belief, magic and revenge. A stunning adventure that you won't want to miss!