A review by sandylovesbooks
The Hidden One by Linda Castillo


I'm so sad. I'm not sad because it wasn't a good book, I'm sad because I have caught up with all the books in this series and now have to wait for the next book, and who knows when that will come out. This story was so good and yes I keep saying it gets better and better but it's true. I hope the author keeps going with this series for years. I can't imagine not being able to stay updated with Kate, Tomasetti, Glock, Skid, Pickles, and the rest of the best little group of people.

I did write some notes while reading this book and like before most of them are the Deitsch definitions.

loc 1560 - "Not to speak ill of the dead." Why is that a thing? If the person is bad say it!!

loc 2014 - Here is where I found out the word of the book. Eschew. I lost count how many times this word showed up but it might have been 7 or 8 times.

loc 2792 - Around here is where I figured out who Ananias was. Or at least had an inkling of who he was.

So now I'm lost as to what series to read without Kate Burkholder. I know the author has other books so I'll try those. Hopefully they are just as good as this series.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book and this is my honest opinion.