A review by and_a_half
The Children of Hypnos by Francesca Zappia


Last night I read the last chapter f vol 2, and as I could guess I was crying, I mean I'm not that kind to get really emotional with everything I read but this series just messes with my emotions so deeply, and I can't even explain why it means this much to me. But the thing I can say is that it is sooo underrated and really more people need to read it!
All I can say is that I want more
Actually that's not all I can say, I can say that I've been crying while reading the last three chapters till now, and I can say that I'm trash for anything that Francesca Zappia writes
Just go read this book. The concept is amazing and the execution is beautiful

UPD : I haven't seen that there was a vol 2, and now I've read it till the part it's uploaded and I can say I'm even more in love with this. The world the characters, and everything about this book is so fantastic I just can't say how much I'm in love with this. Uuuhhhh
*insert dying whale noise here*
The idea and the world building of this book is so unique and well developed. And the characters Emery who is sassy and clever she is supposed to be good at everything but she is not, Wes who is kind and loyal, and Klaus, aka SANDMAN who is my new favorite character!
Any more thing that I add to this review would just be fangirling bulshits (as of it's already not) all I can say is read this book and show some love to it because it freaking deserves it!