A review by snailwhisperer
The Complete Language of Food: A Definitive & Illustrated History by S. Theresa Dietz

I absolutely love this book. I received an advance copy from Netgalley in exchange for a review.
My digital copy has photos that are not ready for the final print but having seen this author's other work I have no doubt the final copy will have beautiful finished art.

This book is a great reference title for anyone interested in kitchen witchery and green witchery (that's me!).
The book has a HUGE collection of culinary plants listed by their botanical name. Each plant has a short description which can include cooking information, folklore, and magical correspondences.
The section after plants includes other culinary topics like beer and cheese.

I will be picking this up for my bookshelf and I need to get my hands on the author's similar books. This would also make a great gift for a kitchen witch.

On the downside, the descriptions can be very short and I appreciate all the references being listed for my own research but it would be great if the entries were noted with their references.