A review by sapphirebubble_
The Camelot Betrayal by Kiersten White


Rating: 4.25 stars
The vibe of The Camelot Betrayal was very different from that of The Guinivere Deception. I had loved the first book and was unbelievably excited for its sequel and it did deliver!

Although it took me some time to get the sense of the themes this book was trying to explore, I really enjoyed how it took a very different route from the first book and gave us fresh perspective on these characters we have come to know.

The Guinevere Deception faced outwards, while this book asked Guinevere to look inwards. I really liked reading Guinevere struggle with her own self —her nature and power, trying to discern the lies from the truth and getting tangled in its web. All this while, the book continued to add to its world and expand it.

7 November 2020:
Find my full review on my blog.

5 October 2020:
Look out for my stop on 7 November for this book's tour with TBR and Beyond Book Tours.

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