A review by floppybutton
The Prince by Skye Warren


5 "I long for the impossible" Stars!!!

I was ridiculously excited to get inside this book and eat my way threw it. Because, let’s face it, Skye Warren is my every indulgence. The book was very short, but even in a short prequel, Skye still makes me FEEL EVERYTHING with her words. I long for the impossible.

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Damon Scott traded himself for me. He’s the only reason I’m safe. And I’m the reason he’s not.

à la Mode St. » fashion

You’re probably like, “Wtf with the mermaid gif?” WELL, you should read the book to find out wtf :).

Damon. His black-lake eyes. When I first met Damon Scott, in the The Pawn, my brain and my body were begging for a Damon Scott book. He is just so evil and perfect. Damon is the not a good man, raised by his father, who is evil incarnate. But I was drawn to Damon right away, even though it wasn’t even his book. And Skye writes THE BEST anti-heroes.

Penny. I loved learning more about Penny in this book. We didn’t know much about her from The Castle, so I was glad to learn about her past and who she is. And I love her already! She is a “baby genius” in all things numbers, helping her father gamble and cheat. And I love a GIRL GENIUS! She meets Damon when they are young, but there is another story, Damon’s story, that we still don’t know. This prequel is written from Penny’s pov. And I am dying for Damon’s pov and to dive inside his evil brain!

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I want to know when we resigned ourselves to this. When we noticed the iron bars around our lives and decided not to rail against them.

à la Mode St. » fashion

The ending of this prequel was perfect, and I am so excited to start The King and learn more about Damon, Penny, and Damon & Penny!

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

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