A review by readingfrankly
The Moon on a Rainy Night, Vol. 1 by Kuzushiro


I was very tempted to rate it a 5 and may change it on reread in the future, but I gave it a 4 because it's very rare for me to rate a first vol in a manga series a 5 because it takes a bit of time to get truly invested in characters and a story. That said, I loved this from the very beginning. I love the art style, the dialogue, and the characters so far. I appreciate the discussion around disabilities as a whole and as a disabled person I was able to relate even though I don't share the same one as Kanon. The fact as well that it is neither romanticized, nor made into a tragedy for the sake of additional drama is very refreshing. Saki is so sweet and caring, and it was really nice to see other girls in the class give Kanon a chance too. I can't wait to continue this series and see where it goes, but this was a very strong start.