A review by cotes
How to Belong with a Billionaire by Alexis Hall


At university, I quickly learned that the way to find the best classes was to pick them by the professor. That even if it wasn’t a subject I was inclined toward, if it was a professor who I loved, the class would end up being magical, transporting me to other worlds and opening up my world. This is also how I feel about Alexis Hall books. Normally a trilogy focused on kink with one of the heroes being a billionaire is not my cup of tea. But these books are the anti-50 shades, so well-written that you end up liking them in spite of the conceit.

The books aren’t perfect. Plot points don’t get resolved or strain credulity a little too much. But they ring so true, and I found myself crying while reading each of the three. Arden is a wonderful main character. And while Caspian isn’t nearly as interesting as Arden thinks, the details were given about him make him more than a stock character.

I think Hall does kink & d/s better in For Real, part of the Spires series. Still, well worth reading.