A review by ktyler
The Family Man by Elinor Lipman


Henry Archer is a gay bachelor living a solemn existence until he sends a note to his ex-wife, Denise, offering condolences for her husband's sudden death. Unexpectedly, Henry reconnects with his step-daughter, Thalia, who is both charming and disarming. With Thalia in his life, Henry begins to become The Family Man, surrounding himself with a group of family and friends.

While there is little substance to the book, it is delightful and frothy. Lipman has an amazing ear for dialogue and a canny sense of human nature and frailty. At times I was reminded of the witty banter in an old Hepburn and Tracy film. By the end of the book, I felt the premise wore a bit too thin, but I still found the characters charming enough to make up for all the silliness of the plot.

Recommended for those looking for a light, uplifting read.