A review by mmattmiller
Sure Signs of Crazy by Karen Harrington


In the beginning, I thought the book was okay... Pretty good even. As it continued, despite a few quirks here and there in the writing style that weren't my favorite, or me trying to really think of my students and do I feel this could actually be a 12 year old's thoughts and actions, I found myself falling in love with this book! Maybe it was inevitable as it's basically (in my opinion) a love letter to my favorite book of all time (To Kill A Mockingbird.) Yes it has its own plot unrelated to To Kill A Mockingbird, with every letter to Atticus, I feel in love with the book even more.

I highly recommend this book. Highly. Great storyline. Great heroine. GREAT homage to To Kill A Mockingbird and Ms. Harper Lee herself!

Loved it.