A review by angie_stl
A Minor Shift by Tabitha Conall


4 1/2 Stars

As with all of Tabitha Conall's books, I really enjoyed this start of a new series. All of the elements were there for a romance book, but I'm used to Ms Conall's books to have suspense and action in them, so I did miss that. Also I felt that I may have missed a prequel book or even chapter, explaining the connection between the main characters, since they've known each other for a while when this book starts. The connection is somewhat explained in the first quarter of the book, but when details like that are missing, it turns a longer relationship into something that seems like insta-love. But when you're dealing with the world of shifters and fated mates, insta-love is almost expected.

I would recommend this to any PNR fan, and it's a great one to get started on, since it's the first book in a four part series. Jump in and drink some of the Conall-KoolAid!! You'll soon own almost all of her books, like I do! It's totally worth it!!