A review by jsncnrd
Ollie Fitzgerald's Heartbreak Anthems by Charlie Arrigo


I cannot say enough good things about this book! I was lucky enough to get an eARC from Charlie, who is not only a great author, but a great human being.

I loved this book. I loved the characters. I loved the story. I loved the concept of the playlist being a plot device.

The characters.

Ollie was such a loveable character that you couldn’t possibly want anything but the absolute best for him. Nash was delightful and kind, and his scenes with Ollie were my favorites in the book.

Also, Steve? I am president of his fan club. We all need a Steve in our lives. We must protect him at all costs.

The writing.

Charlie’s writing is impeccable in his delivery of witty dialogue, quips, one-liners, referential comedy, and hyper-specific niche humor. Thank goodness I fall into that niche because some moments were FUCKING HYSTERICAL. I was legitimately cackling like a fucking hyena at so many points.

Ollie being a horror movie fan was another layer I loved. So many nods to so many of my favorite movies, which kept me smiling.


I won’t post any spoilers, but … there was one chapter that gave me actual chills. Did I cry the happiest tears at 2:30 AM, listen to that chapter’s namesake on repeat, and then re-read the sequence while I had the song playing in the background? I sure as fuck did! And I would do it again! FULLY. IMMERSIVE. EXPERIENCE. The song that accompanied that scene was expertly picked. I think you’ll know which chapter when you get there.

Speaking of, I highly recommend exploring the playlist on Spotify and listening to some of the songs if you don’t know them! I LOVED the music, which was what pulled the entire plot and book together. I was already a fan of at least 75% of the songs, and that made me so happy. As the book’s title suggests … Ollie knows how to make an immaculate playlist, which is really to say that Charlie makes an immaculate playlist. The songs are all so incredibly fitting, and it really completes the reading experience.


What is most astonishing to me is that this is Charlie’s debut. Everything was seamless. The pacing was solid. I was never bored. There was no filler, because all of the chapters were important to the plot in some way. The characters were fully developed, including the supporting cast. Everything about the book flowed so well. It had some of my favorite tropes. It had it all, folks.

When this book drops in June, I am fully recommending you read it. Because it is fun, it is emotional, it is heartwarming, and it has been a highlight of the books I’ve read so far in 2022.

Do you have a heartbreak anthem? I’m sure you do. Mine is Clean by Taylor Swift.