A review by bookph1le
All That Is Mine I Carry with Me by William Landay


I was disappointed in this one. Mega spoilers behind the tag.

SpoilerI could tell this book's ending was meant to shock me but it didn't. I was already convinced that Dan was guilty. I found it extremely strange that when the serial rapist and murderer "confessed" that he'd killed Jane, neither Jeff nor Miranda seemed to question how their mother's car ended up in the train station parking lot, had the crime played out the way the convict claimed it had. That detail kept smacking me over the head, so I was incredulous that neither of them had noticed. Because of this, the ending wasn't even close to satisfying.

I also felt like Alex was underdeveloped. What made him such an asshole? I could have seen why he'd have been unavailable for his younger siblings had he seemed affected by his mother's disappearance, but he seemed so unaffected by it that I wondered for a while if the twist would be the revelation that he had killed his mother.

I don't even understand what the point was of having Philip in this book.

It drove me up the wall that the book uses quotation marks for the first half of the book but not the last half.

I found this book to be entirely underwhelming. Defending Jacob is much, much better.