A review by mags_louise
Safe from Harm by Kate SeRine


**ARC Provided by Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

This is the first book I have read by this author and I did enjoy it a lot. The story started off with a bang and kept me hooked until the very end. Although there was a little bit of a lull in the middle and at times I must admit I never really felt like the two main characters Gabe and Elle or even the Dawson family as a whole was really in any danger. That being said though, the last six or so chapters were particularly gripping. As for Gabe and Elle, I really liked them they had a plenty of chemistry, shared a lot of banter and there were a few hot moments throughout the story too.

Therefore I'm glad I took a chance on this book and I will certainly be reading more from this series and author in the future and would happily recommend it to others.