A review by rain_tea_and_books
This Could be About Either of You by Anna Leslie Long


It's been a while since I've read any poetry, but this has made me want to start reading poetry again.

From the first page I was drawn in and my attention, and emotions were captured. I could see slot of myself in those first few poems especially. While those weren't my words, and weren't my thoughts, I could see myself in them, and I knew those emotions on the page. Even the poems I didn't see myself in I could connect to emotionally, which is something I love in poetry, and something this author did really well.

The poems were beautifully put together, it felt as if each word had been chosen carefully. I loved as well how each page had a different lyrical rhythm, but with enough consistency to carry me on to the next.

The illustrations throughout were also lovely! And fit beautifully within the collection.

I will definitely be looking out for more work by this author!