A review by ameserole
Egotistical Player by Bella Emy


You know how I was so young and naïve being in love with this series? Yeah, well now I feel super old and disappointed.

Egotistical Player was not my favorite book from this series. I don't think there's a competition for my least favorite book but this one is winning so far. Not trying to be brutal here but I was enjoying life and all the books that I've come across in this damn series. Then this book just stabbed me in the heart repeatedly.

Honestly, I didn't get the relationship. I feel like I have whiplash from this book and not the fun kind. The whole "I love you so let's have sex" thing to "I'm saying goodbye forever" was beyond frustrating to read about. It wasn't my cup of tea one bit. Then to see them heal and move on just to come crawling back to one another was a slap in the face.

To say I was angry and annoyed with everything is putting it very lightly. Not to be dramatic or anything but Harleigh and Preston were toxic to themselves and to me. I mean, I get it.. they "loved" each other but there was just always some stupid reason as to why they couldn't be together. Then there's the fact that people were dying left and right like it's the freaking hunger games.

In the end, I'm just disappointed by this one.