A review by em_beddedinbooks
Around India in 80 Trains by Monisha Rajesh


I am so glad that I came upon this book. It was suggested to me by some IR friend and I ordered it via flipkart on May 28, the day on which flipkart gave 50% discount to many best sellers(this fact too, known via an IR thread). I only wish I had ordered more books. This is basically non-fictional travellogue of India, wherein Monisha, a British Indian travels the length and breadth of India in 80 trains. It was funny, sarcastic, amazing and true to the core. Initially I felt she was belittling India, but then I realized its because of love for India, rather otherwise- the way we tirade against our near and dear ones hoping that they will change for the better. I liked Passeportout (hope the spellling is correct) and googled his true name and went through his photography website. And after reading another IR friend's review about this book, came to know that Monisha has a blog chocful of pictures from this journey, and went through her blog in between. I would recommend this book to all who love India and want to know more about India and its ways.