A review by quinnclancy
Integrity by Willow Scarlett


I was given a copy of this book free by the author in exchange for an unbiased review.

Once again I was blown away by Willow's ability to reach out and drag you very willingly into the pages of their novels. This story focuses on how everybody has their own kind of prejudice and how sometimes ignoring that lets you get to know some really awesome people.

Both the main character Ty and the love interest Hale have preconceived ideas of what each other are like due to the band and genre of music they play. Forced to play together on tour for a few months they start out as enemies but as the lust gets higher they start to see each other in different lights and become friends.

I loved every part of it, even as I screamed at the characters to just TALK. Definitely an author to follow and keep buying books from!