A review by eesh25
Bloodwitch by Susan Dennard

Did not finish book.
DNF (stopped at 50% exactly) 

So, we ended here...

It's not uncommon for me to take a while to finish a book. I tend to start too many at once and am then forced to put most of them aside while I focus on two or three. But with this book, I spent a week actively trying to read it. I would open it multiple times a day and push myself through as many pages as I could bear. But it was starting to make me hate words, so I had to stop.

Truthwitch is a book I enjoyed. And I was excited about the series because I liked all of the characters. Even the two female protagonists, something that's doesn't happen too often in YA. Windwitch had its issues, but I was hoping things would improve. And I held on to the hope, even when Sightwitch didn't work for me either. This was the last straw. Even the fondness I hold for Merik or Iseult couldn't get me through it. And I blame the writing.

By the way, if you want to know what the plot of this book is, I'd suggest reading the Goodreads synopsis because, even after over 200 pages, I have no fucking clue.

This was a convoluted mess. It had like ten different point-of-views, most following completely different, unrelated storylines. Each storyline had its own set of characters, it's own setting, and it's own poorly explained conflict. Some even involved poorly explained politics. And the author seemed to expect the reader to know all of it. Never mind that I was already struggling to figure out the important parts, without all the homework. Which brings me to my next point.

So many descriptions... So many. This is the part that was making me hate words. Because while the world-building in this series had been minimal, present in the form of little sprinkles of random information, it sure gives a detailed description of every fucking object.

I don't know who told Susan Dennard that readers need to know what every single thing any of the characters ever encounter looks like. But they were lying! We don't need a close-up of that rock on the side of the road or the leaves of that tree, or the pattern on that random building. Because none of that is relevant to the plot! Instead, it's just filling the book with pages and pages of nothing!

Unless you count the inner-whinings of the characters. And yes, I'm qualifying it as whining. A few paragraphs a few times in a book are thoughts-slash-musings. A few paragraphs every other page... that's whining.

To conclude, I ran out of patience with the lack of sense the book was making. And I know I've been very mean to it. It's gotten a lot of great reviews, so maybe the issue is with me. But I was finding it almost impossible to care about anyone or anything, so I'm done. Read at your own peril.