A review by lizryth
Chilling Effect by Valerie Valdes

Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
I’m only 31 pages in and this book is such a blatant Mass Effect ripoff I have trouble believing it started as anything other than fanfiction that got doctored up to be published. 

So far there has been: 
An alien crewmate love interest that likes to spar and has a second level of communication (in the book it’s scent, in the game garrus has subvocals) 
Mass effect relays are “gates” 
There is a seedy station outside of official lawed space where all the sleezeballs go called “omicron” instead of omega. It has a bar called limbo run by an alien with a name that starts with an A. 
This station had a plague break out in the lower levels. 
There is a multi species high council that governs their slice of space. The humans want a seat on that council and they are using a commander named Schafer to try and get it
Schafer is a spacer military brat who single handedly saved a colony from raiders
And a pilot with their own body that can telepathically control/pilot the ship to the point that it is her second body
Forgot to mention that the alien race most like humans had tentacles for hair and their skin turned different colors. 

Not to mention the writing is frustrating in itself.