A review by daniella84
Dandelion Fire by N.D. Wilson


I was going to give this a 2 until the last hundred pages cause nothing really happened in this? Like things happened but they didn’t feel like they really meant anything - maybe a 2.5

The middle especially dragged and I think this is because there was just so much description or content that I didn’t think was particularly important. Side characters we saw once were either described way too much or in way too similar a way for me to distinguish between them (especially the scene with the wizards and the faeries on the beach). There were also so many conversations between side characters about things that had happened in the past or bylaws that I just didn’t care at all about and just felt like info dumps about the world.

I also really didn’t like Henrietta at all - even since the first book she really hadn’t learnt anything and continued to rush into things blind even after she learnt of the potentially devastating consequences of her actions. Her recklessness just seemed too over the top to be anything but a device to keep the plot moving forward. In this book she at least acknowledges that she has caused problems but doesn’t really grow from this. I get she’s young but it was just so frustrating to read about her because of this.

From when they left the faerie prison until like halfway through the siege was definitely the most interesting part of this book, but 460 pages is so much to have maybe 100 be exciting...also no girls were in the battle at all they were just being healing and peaceful :( the chopping between characters in the middle of chapters was also confusing and I think would have been easier to follow if it followed only a couple characters or had clearer breaks between the perspectives.