A review by tichwi
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray


This book had me hooked from the start. As the novel opens, Gemma Doyle has just turned 16. Though her parents are English, Gemma has always lived in Bombay, India, where her father does business. Gemma is a wonderfully strong-willed and rebellious character. All she wants in life is to go to London, meet people her own age, and experience all the privileges a girl of her standing is entitled to. When she finally gets to London, nothing happens the way she wanted it to. The Spence Academy for Girls is Gemma's start on a fantastical adventure.
I loved the blending of historical fiction and fantasy. The fantasy world that Libba creates is as realistic as the English boarding school Gemma attends while in the real world. In some ways, it is reminiscent of The Chronicles of Narnia, though Gemma and her friends travel back and forth more easily, and with more control. Gemma is head-strong and confused about what life expects from her. She makes a few friends at school: Felicity, Pipper, and Ann. Their friendship starts on rocky ground and is always imperfect. Libba does a wonderful job showing how teenage friendships can be both fickle and extremely loyal at the same time. Gemma, Felicity, Pipper and Ann all make their choices, and accept the consequences of those choices, some of which are quite dire, very maturely.

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