A review by booksnorkel
The Boy Who Lost Fairyland by Catherynne M. Valente


There are some people who will be mad about this book because it does not contain our beloved September. But this book comes back to her and touches on her story and tells you why we don’t have September, and what her parents are doing, but in the way that we knew what the key was doing in the first book. I love these books, I love their style and I love their love of fairy stories. I think that these are beautiful books and anyone who loves an overly poetic form of description who doesn’t mind the narrator talking directly to you and of course doesn’t mind a mixing of fairy tales from all over. A healthy dose of Troll, and the feeling that you don’t quite belong. This follows the story of a changeling; a young troll is taken from his home in fairyland by one of our beloved winds. He then grows up in the life of a normal human boy, but he isn’t normal, and he knows it. He likes to name inanimate objects, he like strange creatures, and he doesn’t ever seem to get social norms. Looking at our world with an eye that is set towards magic he finally finds out who he is and when he makes it back to fairyland he of course is part of the story!

Beautiful and wonderful a bit of Fairyland in our world for those who have read the others and loved them. This book like all the others is heartbreakingly good and makes you want to read all of them again and again.