A review by heather_dowell
Alice the Dagger by Ashley McLeo


A paranormal fantasy full of whimsy, friendship, and kick-buttery about a Fae assassin who must strengthen her powers to liberate her people from the Red Queen.


If the tale this was inspired by is known for anything, it’s whimsy. ALICE THE DAGGER delivers with quirky characters like twin pixies, prompt brownies, and hookah-smoking caterpillars. It has all your favorite things about ALICE IN WONDERLAND and more. The setting leaps off the page, fully immersive. I particularly enjoyed the characters’ trip through the forest and the illusions they saw. My heart pounded the whole time wondering how they would make it. And oh my gosh, the shore battle with sea monsters . . . Don’t even get me started!

Trust me, the second Hatter appeared, I was rooting for a romance, but this first book focuses on their friendship. And boy was their friendship strong. Alice likes to dive headfirst into situations, so Hatter often has to real her to safety. They save each other’s lives throughout the book like they’re playing slap jack. They’re funny. They’re bright. He was her childhood friend.

Learning to trust him would be easier if he memories hadn’t been wiped, but Hatter isn’t the giving up type. He needs to help her remember so she can reach her fully potential as a Fae, one with rare powers needed to kill the queen.

Growing up as an assassin, there’s not much Alice is afraid of, but the lies told to her have made her vulnerable. She must learn the truth and decide what she’s willing to do for the people of Wonderland. Of course she wants to murder her parent’s killer, but that’ll make her the Queen. She’s not a ruler. She’s a warrior. Still, she can’t standby and do nothing, so she joins the resistance.

I love how kick butt she is. Like she even ran into a burning building! But she also has a heart and feel the weight of responsibility for her friends. She mourns when one dies or gets injured and it makes her stronger. It gives her motivation to risk her life for them. I can’t what to see what happens in the next book.

Interview with the author is at https://heatherdowellwrites.com/2020/09/03/alice-the-dagger/