A review by theoverflowingbookshelf
City of the Uncommon Thief by Lynne Bertrand


DNF at 58%

This book was weird...

The POVs alternate too quickly and it was hard to keep track of what was actually going on since the plot didn’t seem to have one straight direction. It instead felt like a bunch of moments in a world that I didn’t understand.

Speaking of, the languages and words used in this book can be incomprehensible at times. I don’t know if it was just because I was reading an eARC or if the finished book will be just as confusing, but I had trouble figuring out the dynamic of the setting and characters. And the plot summary didn’t really help all that much either...

The book didn’t start to get interesting until about halfway through, but by that point I was so frustrated and tired of reading it that I just had to DNF it for the time being.

I hope to finish this book eventually and give it a fair shot (especially since I’ve dedicated so much time trying to get through it), but for now I’m just not in the mindset to do so...