A review by bookish_notes
Tight Quarters by Annabeth Albert


Initial Reaction: I kinda winded up stuck around the halfway mark, but I’m glad I picked this back up because ALL. THE. FEELS. Like. What even. lol

Full Review:

This review is also posted on my blog.

I was looking forward to Bacon's story after he's shown up in two books now, and I guess you can say that Tight Quarters is a book that split into two parts - the time he met the award-winning journalist Spencer during their mission, and the time after. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, but it was a bit of a hard transition between the two for me.

I adore Bacon and Spencer but this book was ANGST. I'm usually fine with angst, but this was definitely very unexpected angst (at least for me). I was just crying my eyes out and I DON'T KNOW WHY. I guess the tension got to me, much like Wheels Up. So, while I like the characters and liked the story overall, it was a bit of a struggle for me to go from the first part of the book into the second.

This is an age-gap story and this is really well done. I think there's an interesting aspect of this in a military setting, because Spencer is 43 and Bacon is 28. Bacon has had to grow up a lot faster, I think, by being in the military and being one of the team's sniper. This book does cover PTSD and concerns about veterans and suicide.

Bacon is pan and one of the reasons the first part of the story is difficult to read is because Bacon's team makes a lot of homomismic jokes. And most of the time, they go unchallenged, even by his best friend who knows Bacon is pan. So, we see Bacon getting more and more would up about it and it's just really uncomfortable to read. Especially when later in the book, the guy that was mostly starting all these jokes is kind of just...forgiven at the end? Things happened, and yeah I guess I kind of feel bad for the guy for what happened, but at the same time, I never liked the character either so do I really? Especially in today's environment? The whole situation is kind of iffy to me, to be honest.

We find out Bacon's name in this book as well but I did have a hard time with Bacon's name reveal. I don't know what I was expecting necessarily, but referring to Bacon as this "new" name for the second half was kind of disconcerting and made me put the book down for awhile before I managed to pick up the book again and finish it.

There are really good things in this book and I do like all the moments between Spencer and Bacon. There is DRAMA that ultimately leads to a lot fo angst. I liked seeing a few characters from the previous books since they felt like a small check-in to their little HEAs.

If you're already a fan of this series, I would recommend it. This wasn't my favorite of all the Out of Uniform books, but it was fine and acts as a lead-in to Rooster's book next.

***Thanks to Carina Press for providing me an ARC on NetGalley***