A review by sea_caummisar
Essence Asunder by Feind Gottes


First of all, I want to say thanks for the review copy. Now... On with the review.....
The blurb had me hooked from the start... Torture? Please. Yes. Sign me up.
So the book starts and we're getting the view from a victim bound and in pain. There's a lot of him whining in his head. ( While I'm just waiting for the blood to spill) Two men are holding him captive. Making him make choices. Such as which limb do you want me to crush, answer this riddle and incorrect answers come with a punishment. That part is so cool. But there's a lot of being in the victim's head while he whined. Then, the captors bring in a dead girl and tell him it's his girlfriend. Then we get a back story in his head of how he met his girl and fell in love. The torture part was good and brutal. The whining and backstory just really wasn't for me. With that being said, there's a neat twist on the end leaving it open for a sequel (which I would read). As for the plot, and as to why they tortured him, .... Hmmm it was just kinda enough to make sense but was almost reaching in my opinion. But it didn't take away from the story. 4 stars so it's good