A review by kadomi
Dark Eden by Chris Beckett


This SF novel leaves me feeling kind of conflicted. I overall enjoyed reading it, but it also frustrated the heck out of me. The story is set on the planet Eden where a human colony has existed for over 160 years. Apparently three dudes stole a spaceship, were chased by the Earth Police and crash-landed on Eden. Three dudes then went back to earth, leaving two people behind, Angela and Tommy. The colony are descendants of those two, waiting for a rescue troop from Earth to pick them up. The society has devolved into hunter gatherers on a planet that is inherently ill-suited to serve as home for humans. The planet is far away from the sun, so the only illumination are lumiscent flowers and trees. As their society is also inherently incestuous (the original couple had like 4 daughters and one son. Do the math), there are mutations, so called batfaces and clawfeet.

In comes John Redlantern, shit-stirrer and progressive. He is not satisfied with the status quo of life in their valley, the 560 people that they are. Supplies are running low. He wants to travel over The Dark, the snowy mountainside, to see what else is on Eden. And so he and his little group of rebels set out to see what's out there.

It's pretty much a sociological study as their society changes from peaceful matriarchy to more aggressive patriarchy.

My main issue is that all the viewpoint characters, but especially John, are entirely unrelatable. John is an unlikeable asshole, his sort of love interest Tina was entirely unrelatable for me as well. The ending didn't satisfy me either. My favorite part was probably the expedition, the trip into the unknown, but the rest? Not interested in the sequel.

2.5 stars for me