A review by alittlemixofvix
The Downstairs Neighbour by Helen Cooper


This is a pretty good read that was let down by the ending. There's a lot of jumping between characters, but I like how that was done here.

There are two key stories - the past with Kate and the present with Freya's disappearance. I actually preferred the past story as I felt there was more emotion, and it truly was a shocking twist. I did enjoy figuring out how everything intertwined - some I guessed, but others were revelations.

With the present-day story, I felt that I didn't really care Freya was missing. I actually didn't warm to any of those characters either - except for Emma. I also was very annoyed by the ending; it was quite unbelievable and didn't tie in with the rest of the tone - plus, I'm still angry that someone didn't get the punishment they deserved. There are quite a few unanswered questions.

Overall, a good mystery, and I liked the way it weaved together. But the ending was just too neat and not in keeping with the rest of the story.

*I received a complimentary copy of the e-book from InstaBookTours and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.