A review by abinthebooks
Beyond the Veil by Stephanie Summers


RATING: Cover - 1.5 stars, Writing - 2 stars, Characters - 3 stars, Humor - 2.5 Stars, Pacing - 1 stars, Enjoyment - 2-2.5 Stars, OVERALL RATING - ⭐️1⭐️ STARS

I mean really. What tf was this? Actually.

The first 30-40% of this book was solid and I thought I was gonna enjoy the whole thing and wound up with a 3.5 or 4 star read. But this just went way fucking downhill.

First, we’ve seen this story and plot so many fucking times. Naive human girl meets sexy vampire king. For some reason their mates, but oh no it’s because of a witch and her 2 sisters that have names that all sound the same.

The sex in this book was very poorly written, the dirty talk was cringy, and the amount of times the male character says ‘my queen’ makes me wanna gag.

The characters were fine. I liked our main girl (forgot her name 5 minutes after reading the book), she was strong and feministic. Our main guy character Liam was an ok dude. Kinda alpha male trash (but he’s not a werewolf haha. I’m so punny) but he’s cool I guess.

Our villain guy was an idiot and very bad at insulting our main character. Really dude. - ‘I’ve never loved you, I’ve always been in love with that bitches name I can’t remember because I don’t fucking care enough’. I mean really dude? Come on.

We also get no insight as to how our main characters dad dies, and the angst between him and the witch bitch.

Their claimed to have been a plot between Liam and our main bitch before she woke him up, but we don’t see any of it. How am I supposed to believe that bullshit when I have literal no flashbacks or physical evidence?

And having sex while a fucking dagger is stuck in your side? Really Liam, just because it’s been 20 years since you’ve put your dick in someone, doesn’t mean u can’t fucking wait Jesus.

Another thing that irked me was the pacing! The author doesn’t know how to fucking pace a book. Our main character we’re having sex, in a bedroom, in a cabin, in the woods, 2 DAYS INTO THEIR ‘RELATIONSHIP’! Wtf?! The pacing was just horrendous.

We get no world building and absolutely no insight on how vampires started, how long they’ve been living, what’s the human world like, what about the werewolves, Fae, and witches?

I mean really what the actual fuck was this?! I just don’t understand what I just read.

I mean it’s a paranormal romance so I don’t know why I was expecting something so great. I just found it on kindle unlimited and read it.

But overall, I kinda hate this book. I don’t really give books one stars, but wtf was this shit?! I mean come one, seriously?

- Another shit review from Abi

- I’m 5 books away from my 50 books goal now and I’m super excited because then I’ll have all of next year to read instead of the half of the year I had this year!