A review by jackie_recommends
Legacy by Jessica Blank


So I believe I've figured out why I've been having such a tough time with YA recently: I keep choosing fantasy over rl and thrillers. We all know how hard it is to successfully word-build, and to not fall into overdone tropes and plots. Nowadays I feel like all of the ya fantasy I've been picking up has been exactly that- obvious, overdone, and obsequious (big word, but I have to go for the alliteration over here). You get my drift, drifty?

Meanwhile, I pick up books like Legacy (provided as an ARC through the publisher and my fellow teen librarian), and I'm in love. This felt real, and raw, and it made me think, reminding me of growing up and all of the crazy 90's punk and grunge things I was so enamored with (but never actually did, because my ma would kill me haha).

Legacy is set in the early 90's, and the main character is *for sure* 90's grunge allllllll the way. SHE PAINTS HER NAILS WITH WHITE OUT Y'ALL. Who else did that? Ok, maybe that's not totally grunge, but Allison is definitely the type of character who will make you smirk if you're a true 90's baby such as I.


After her boyfriend gets in a fight with his dad and gets kicked out, the two (and a tagalong named Dirtrat...yes. You read that right...) find themselves on a trek up to Cascades National park to join a group of radical environmentalists trying to stop loggers from clear-cutting the old growth up there.

What ensues is classic character growth and self-discovery, as well as a description of the woods that makes me want to run away and go live in a tree top.


In short, between the heavy dose of nostalgia and wanderlust, I appreciated this book and how different it's been from what I keep picking up.