A review by justanothergirl_23
Doomsday Clock #6: Truly Laugh by Geoff Johns


Oh wow!
We're already halfway through this, and now I have more questions then ever. I NEED ANSWERS!!

This issues did show us a little background of Marionette and Mime (or Erika and Marcos) and it was really nice to see where they come from and what made them who they are.
I also particularly enjoyed when The Comedian was like "Surprise Motherfuckers!" and went on a killing spree. Aaaah, that really warms my heart to see.

Other than that I really really really did NOT enjoy seeing Batman wheeled around by The Joker, like dude! What are you even planning to do with him??

Also, Where the heck is Dr. Manhattan???????

Anyways, I CANNOT wait for the next issue because I can't have those precious answers fast enough!