A review by franalibi
Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid


I’m so glad that I picked up this book. It was certainly one of the most unique plots I read this year, and an important one as well!

Following Emira, a 25 year old black woman who is also a baby sitter for a white family, and Alix (Alex), who is a feminist blogger and also the mother of the child Emira is babysitting.

The event at the beginning of the book that sets off the next chain of events is pretty powerful in its own right. Emira has to look after Briar (the child) in a supermarket while the parents sort something out. She gets apprehended by a white security guard for “kidnapping” the child. It’s definitely a form of micro aggression and Emira has to get the white father to come and sort the situation out.

What happens next is forms of “white saviours” and privilege. And the question (through one particular character), whether Emira is really just there to be “the help”. It’s not explicitly said but majorly implied through the question of wearing uniform and her responsibilities.

I highly recommend this as it’s a wonderfully written book that will leave you thinking about it after finishing it.