A review by mystifiedbulb22
The Art of Logic: How to Make Sense in a World that Doesn't by Eugenia Cheng


Hm. When picking this book up from Oxfam, I was quite sceptical of the promise emblazoned on the back cover: "Politicians and companies master rhetoric to mislead us. What if one book could help us make sense of it all?" And unfortunately, this question still goes unanswered.

I did really want to like this book, especially as I resonate with the politics it espouses. However, the connections between abstract logical principles and their applications to socio-political issues felt flat and unnuanced. That lack of nuance combined with a slightly muddied collection of mathematical principles ultimately made this quite dissatisfying.

I think there is real potential in this kind of work. But, perhaps, trying to do it all within one book without allowing room for nuanced discussions about the various issues it tries to solve is a logical mis-step.